What is purpose-tribe?
Our Vision
We devote our expertise, time, talent and network to activate social impact through customer engagement. Our believe is that social impact is at the core of a business purpose going forward. We look to a future where both social and economic value are going hand in hand, where purpose creates value on both sides.
Our Mission
We help you to engage external stakeholders in the sustainability mega trends and challenges of the 21st century.
Who we are – tried and trusted.

Dan Iversen
Board Member of purpose-tribe, former VP Marketing & Strategy of Xylem, a multinational leader in water technologies. Xylem runs Watermark, an innovative social responsibility program to provide, protect and educate about clean water. Through employee engagement, the program has transitioned from a corporate vision to value creation. A purpose driven benchmark that has created powerful value through individual volunteering.

Richard Böhland
Managing Director of purpose-tribe and shk-agentur.de, Communications expert in Building Services and Water, former Global Director Marketing and Partnerships of Xylem. Lifted Waterdrop, the most innovative customer engaging CSR program in the water industry in Europe, from the idea into execution. It engages today customers in social value creation, directly driving positive business results, and moving CSR from the cost into the benefit section of a business.
What people say about us
Engaging customers in social activities did build truely unbreakable relationships. I’ve been on a project in Cambodia, delivering clean water for elementary schools in need. Truely a once-in-a-life experience, with a long lasting impact for everyone, many thanks for this!
At EarthEcho, we welcome the opportunity to partner with organizations such as Purpose-Tribe, who recognize the value in engaging corporate employees in sustainable, local, community-based improvement opportunities. We look forward to bringing the EarthEcho Water Challenge to communities where their colleagues live and work.
You can’t get much closer to your customer, and you can’t make much more of a difference at the same time: I’ve been in Cambodia with Richard, solving water in villages and communities in need. The passion and engagement the group developed was simply amazing.
We are a non-profit organization focused on bringing clean, safe drinking water to the world’s most disadvantaged communities through the installation of community-based water filtration systems and the implementation of hygiene education programs. Our projects are focused on children, schools, and rural/peri-urban communities across Asia and Latin America. Since 2009, we’ve deployed projects in 1,500 communities across 14 countries supporting the daily drinking water requirements of more than one million people. It’s great to see how Dan and Richard onboard customers into this engagement, and there is no doubt that this is changing lives on all sides!
I met a group of people that I have never seen before in my life on one of Richard’s project in Cambodia. Strangers became a team in an instant. We installed water filtration towers in schools, as well as household systems in villages. After these couple of days of hard work, you leave back home with new friends for life. An unbreakable bond is born during this truely life changing initiative. I cant wait to work on the next big thing!
Activating social impact through customer engagement – Dan’s and Richard’s tried and trusted initiative with a complete service offering delivered Millions of liters of clean water to thousands of people in need, while growing the business at the same time. A proven program and an experienced team. They know what they are doing. I do endorse them 100%!
Engaging customers in your social activities takes your whole CSR program to a completely new level. I was on projects in both Cambodia and the Philippines, and the level of customer engagement through social impact I experienced was simply amazing. It’s a great and proven way to breathe life into any Corporate Social Responsibility program. I fully endorse Dan and Richard in their initiative!
Dan and Richard have developed a truly unique expertise in this space. This goes well beyond the boundaries of a typical social responsibility initiative and really leverages the strength of shared values and collective efforts in an extremely compelling and effective way. There is nothing else out there that’s as relevant in these challenging business conditions as purpose-tribe!
I can only recommend everyone to look into this. It is simply amazing what results we achieved and what impact we left behind on the ground in the Philippines. You can combine good business and doing good to the world, and I encourage each and everyone to join that mission!
Dan and Richard led implementation of Xylem’s Waterdrop program, a unique initiative creating economic and social value while developing customer relationships that last a lifetime. We have leveraged this initiative as part of Xylem’s Watermark program, our corporate citizenship and stakeholder engagement program. I recommend Dan and Richard, and purpose-tribe, to any company looking to increase economic and social value in their own firm.
Cases driven by purpose
Case Watermark
Xylem Watermark is working to solve water. In pursuit of this mission, Watermark worked with nonprofit partners on sustainable development projects that provide education and protect safe water resources for communities around the world.
Case Waterdrop
The game changer: the leading customer-engaging social impact program in the water industry was designed by us. A truely unique promotional and loyalty program. Engaging customers, gaining insights, establishing a digital community. Achieving both social and economic benefits with almost infinite promotional opportunities – always with the marketing funnel and social impact in mind.
Virtual social engagement
COVID19 is putting pressure and restrictions on many social activities. We design solutions for meaningful virtual engagement of your customer base, involving your partners during the time of pandemic. A bedrock for a digital community, and a great head start to be ready to roll up sleeves again in real life as soon as circumstances allow it again.
The right purpose will drive both social and economic results
bought a brand for the first time because of its position on a controversial issue
will not buy a brand because it stayed silent on an issue it had an obligation to adress
1 in 2
people are believe-driven buyers, according to 2018’s „Edelman Earned Brand – Brands take a stand“

Let’s get in touch
Activate social impact through customer engagement.
Your customers are ready. Are you?
Dan Iversen & Richard Böhland
Alois-Gessner-Weg 7 | 73666 Baltmannsweiler | Germany
+49 7153 7507395 | info@purpose-tribe.com